Archive for the 'Film Festival Reports' Category

AFI Fest Day 3 – 2 more docs…

Sunday, November 6th, 2005

After the impressive turnout of Burning Man-ites at the Friday night screening of Burning Man: Beyond Black Rock I thought I should arrive early on Saturday to ensure myself a seat. Saturday’s show didn’t sell out – but looked close to full. Producer Mike Wilson introduced the film saying, “We made the movie for the […]

AFI Fest Day 2 – sell out crowds…

Saturday, November 5th, 2005

There were lines and people trying to get in. The thing was hoppin’! I managed to see Pelé Forever, a documentary about Pelé and his career in professional futbol AKA soccer. The 3 million dollar film was 5 years in the making and has been released in Brazil but is till seeking distribution in the […]

11/4 (tonight) at AFI Fest…

Friday, November 4th, 2005

Going to see two docs tonight Pele Forever and Burning Man: Beyond Black Rock. Saw the opening night film last night Walk the Line, not a documentary, a biopic, but still quite good.

AFI Fest starts tonight…

Thursday, November 3rd, 2005

Last night I went to pick up my badge for AFI Fest. This year they’ve got a rooftop village on top of the parking garage at Arclight. Pretty cool. Really looking forward to the films this year. I’ve highlighted about 25 films I’d really like to see. I’ll report back with how I do on […]